A Sonnet for Art the Clown

I ran into Art the Clown

At a pizza shop open late

He sawed my friend’s body in half

A different woman’s face, he ate

His oil black teeth give me nightmares

His sketchy bag full of god knows what

The way he sits silently and stares

You know he’s about to fuck shit up

I used to feel bad for clowns

For causing fear instead of joy

But I get why Art causes frowns

That mother fucker is here to destroy

And if you see Art lurking on your street

Rest assured its your maker you will meet

Night 9, American Horror Story: Freak Show Premiere

31 Nights of Horror, Night 9: American Horror Story: Freak Show Premiere

Three sentences review:

In last night’s 90-minute American Horror Story: Freak Show premiere, “Twisty the Clown” became a horror icon. Beyond that designation, AHS: Freak Show’s got some ‘splainin to do and I can’t freaking (no pun intended) wait to see how this fourth season unfolds. Let me just fan-girl out real quick in the following run-on sequence: Kathy Bates is so fierce with a beard, Jessica Lange covers David Bowie, I’m so into the theories that all seasons are connected, please watch this engrossing interview with actor Mat Fraser, and if I see ANY of you jack asses dressing up as Twisty for Halloween I’m sprinting, screaming, and crying the hell away from you.


When I see Twisty